maria's art
Aquest exercici constava en a partir de tres receptes en anglès que ens van tocar a cadascú de la classe aleatòriamentfer il·lustracions fent servir diferents tècniques. Per cada recepta havíem de triar una tècnica de les tres que ens oferien per escollir.
Aquestes són les receptes que em van tocar i les il·lustracions que vaig realitzar per cadascuna d'elles.
recepta 1: Poor man’s potatoes
Recipe informations: Main ingredient Potatoes, Season March - December, Difficulty Easy, Allergens □ GF (gluten free) □ LF (lactose free) □ EF (egg free) □ VEG (vegetarian) □ VEGAN Other allergens:
Ingredients (for 4 servings): - 3 eggs - 3 large frying potatoes - Half an onion - Oil - Salt
1) While we heat oil in a frying pan, peel and cut the potatoes and onion into thin slices and salt it all
2) Fry the potatoes and onion over medium heat.
3) Beat the eggs and add salt.
4) Finally , add the eggs to the frying pan with the potatoes and mix.
Author’s notes: It is one of my favourite dishes!
Materials: paper d'aquarel·la, llapis, aquarel·les, pinzells, retolador punta fina
Tècnica: aquarel·la
Dimensions: A4
recepta 2: Potato volcano
Recipe informations: Main ingredient Potatoes, Season March - December, Difficulty Easy, Allergens □ GF (gluten free) □ LF (lactose free) □ EF (egg free) □ VEG (vegetarian) □ VEGAN Other allergens:
Ingredients: (for 4 servings): - 4 potatoes - Ham - Cheese
1) Bake the 4 potatoes in the oven for 45 minutes.
2) Make a hole in the top and empty the inside of the potato.
3) Mix the potato with ham and cheese, salt and a spoonful of cream.
4) Fill the hole inside the potato and cover with cheese to gratinate.
5) Bake in the oven for 15 minutes and it's ready!
Author’s notes: My great-grandmother used to cook it
Materials: tetrabric, punxó, tinta de gravat, brotxa, paper secant, paper de pintura, tòrcul
Tècnica: gravat amb el tòrcul
Dimensions: estampat en full A4
recepta 3: Beans with sausage
Recipe informations: Main ingredient Beans, Season March - April, Difficulty Easy, Allergens □ GF (gluten free) □ LF (lactose free) □ EF (egg free) □ VEG (vegetarian) □ VEGAN Other allergens:
Ingredients (for 4 servings): - 380g peeled beans - 200g tender onion - 150g black sausage - 10 mint leaves - Salt - Oil - Pepper
1) Fry the onions with a little oil
2) Add the beans with salt and pepper and mix
3) Later add some mint leaves and the black sausage
4) Let it cook for 8 minutes and it’s done’
Author’s notes: My Grandfather had a lot of beans in the garden in I used to help him pick them up
Editor’s notes: I have chosen this recipe because I found the activity of collecting the ingredients from the garden interesting and fun.
Materials: cartolines i fulls de diferents colors, aquarel·les, tisores, pega, pinzell
Tècnica: collage
Dimensions: full A4